Rules and Regulations

The following rules and regulations are not meant to curb the freedom of the individual. They are meant for their orderly growth in a well-regulated community. They also help to define the character of the individual and the institution. Hence, the parents, staff and students are advised to abide by them and reap the benefits of a disciplined life.


Parents are requested to check the home assignment notebook every day for messages or remarks and sign after going through them. The handbook must be treated as an important means of communication between the parents and school.

Parents are asked to take note of the homework given, check that the homework is done before their wards are sent to school the next day. Parents must take a note of circulars sent and act in accordance.

Parents must ensure that homework, learning for tests and the submission of work must be completed in the given time. It must be the child’s work and not done by the parents, if found no marks will be allotted.

If Homework, Class work, Week-end activity and any other assignment are not done on time, the following actions will be taken.

Parents can meet the Principal and teachers as per the schedule below.

a. To meet the Principal:Monday – Friday (10.00 am to 11.00 am)
b. To meet the Class Teacher:Thursday (04.30 pm to 05.00 pm)

Every student must take part in school games and other activities unless declared physically unfit by the doctor and exempted by the principal.

Formative assessments will be done throughout the year. Assessments will be sent as reports to parents from time to time which should be duly signed, taken note of, and returned to the school promptly, failing which will not be admitted into class.

For summative assessments parents, are requested to collect the progress reports of their children positively on the dates given in the circular sent to them.

Students, when taken to fieldtrip should be in full school uniform.

Students can celebrate their birthday by presenting a book to the library or a plant to the School garden. Avoid sweets.

Parents are requested not to give any kind of compliments or cash to the faculty and other personnel who are employees of the school.

Students seeking the signature of the principal for bonafide certificates should do so sufficiently well in advance.

The latest school information will be sent to the parents through newsletters. Parents are expected to be aware of all the school activities.

Parents are requested to take necessary care at home to ensure that the child is well groomed and dressed neatly before coming to school.

Parents are requested not to allow their wards to wear valuable jewels. In case of any loss, the school will not take up the responsibility. Flowers are not encouraged.

Please report a change of address to the school office at the earliest convenience. To incorporate the change in the conveyance route, the school office must be informed a week in advance of the actual date of change in the written format.

Parents are requested to refrain from asking for permission for the students to leave early on the grounds of medical check-up, or attending social functions etc. It is advisable to take leave under such circumstances.

Parents are requested not to give any medicine to the child without a note in the diary for the class teacher.

In case a child falls ill during school hours, parents will be apprised on phone. They are expected to come and pick up the child from the school as soon as possible.

Achievement Cards must be returned to the class-teacher duly signed within two days. Uncared/mishandled achievement cards will be replaced only on receiving written request from parent. A replacement fee of Rs.100/- will be charged for issuing a duplicate Achievement Card.

All communications, complaints, enquiries regarding the welfare of the students should be made to the Principal and not to any member of the staff.

Promotion results will be sent to the Parents by post normally during the third or fourth week of April.

No T.C. will be issued before the promotion results are announced.

Parents should avoid planning outings and pilgrimages on schooldays. They should see that their children are present on the reopening and closing days of each term and on examination days.

Parents must ensure that the student’s books and notebooks are wrapped neatly with brown cover and labelled.

Parents are asked to encourage their ward to communicate in English at home also.

If a student misbehaves or fails to do his/her duty regularly, it will be noted in the Students observation.

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